

There are 90 active out of a total of 1286 seen nodes that have been heard by the mesh by a20a18cc (a20a18cc).

ID Name Role Seen
Short Long Since
Avatar 3210037e 037e Meshtastic 037e C 1605 secs
Avatar 4356058c 058c Meshtastic 058c C 255 secs
Avatar 1b5a0c50 0c50 Meshtastic 0c50 C 3798 secs
Avatar b5532692 2692 Meshtastic 2692 C 3798 secs
Avatar db963de5 3de5 Meshtastic 3de5 C 1168 secs
Avatar b7044068 4068 Meshtastic 4068 C 2266 secs
Avatar 80f244fe 44fe Meshtastic 44fe C 116 secs
Avatar 801ecd91 57th Ashford οΈπŸ“‘ C 692 secs
Avatar da5768bc 68bc Meshtastic 68bc R 528 secs
Avatar da546d0c 6d0c Meshtastic 6d0c CM 254 secs
Avatar 7c5a56e8 ARDN AREDN_Off-Grid C 1168 secs
Avatar da6350fc AWA N0AWA CM 2820 secs
Avatar 7c5b31d4 Arkm Arkham C 692 secs
Avatar 572a8a8e BLFR Bluff-RouterπŸ“‘ RC 255 secs
Avatar 433a6ab0 C6ab Cogitator 6ab0 CM 2401 secs
Avatar 336440f8 Cpms Copper mines C 3799 secs
Avatar 0c39dad0 D1 Deck-1 C 4942 secs
Avatar 336a1920 EcHo ElectricEchoHeltec C 129 secs
Avatar 1fa06438 Echo ElectricEcho C 528 secs
Avatar 44aca7c7 FMR Fort Mountain Router R 2266 secs
Avatar 24cc15a6 FWR Falling Water Router RC 1461 secs
Avatar 4357f6cc Flv2 Flavio-Router2 (BBS) C 2401 secs
Avatar 4357f988 Flvr Flavio-Router (S&F) C 2669 secs
Avatar b983a935 Gv04 Gainesville Green St C 6568 secs
Avatar 4dc56d2a GvAp Gainesville Airport C 692 secs
Avatar 23d57bc5 GvHR Gainesville Highland Rd C 2401 secs
Avatar 0d3ebc15 GvSP Gainesville Skylark Place C 6166 secs
Avatar 75f1822c HDH Hotdog home C 2669 secs
Avatar 434ba4d4 HRMR TCΒ² HRM-RouterπŸ“‘ RC 255 secs
Avatar 7579c03a Hill Sweetwater R 2820 secs
Avatar 9d783863 I_LT πŸ”‹III_LTO_NodeπŸ”‹ C 2401 secs
Avatar 0c3c99ca JB Meshtastic 99ca C 6166 secs
Avatar 1c50617c JSB0 Skrux Labs Repeater 0 RC 2669 secs
Avatar e0f75b14 Jp1 KR4RJ C 1164 secs
Avatar 34e23dee KKJK DulCC1017 C 1016 secs
Avatar e0f7565c LP 1Lasalle Park C 2544 secs
Avatar 9d2f6e34 Leon Leon RAK router RC 6568 secs
Avatar 43577244 Lt LJ tower C 6166 secs
Avatar a20a0dc8 MAFO Mesh Around & Find Out C 4942 secs
Avatar 53b9ea11 MAV1 MAV CM 6166 secs
Avatar ed0ebf68 Mesh Meshtastic 1 C 2401 secs
Avatar 240b9d17 MtHk G Hawk Mountain C 528 secs
Avatar f8ef4aab MtSN G Stone MountainN C 255 secs
Avatar 4ddf2d95 MtSS G Stone MountainS C 255 secs
Avatar 7c5ab1a8 N4ij N4IJL C 2820 secs
Avatar a2e4ff54 NAP0 W4NAP-S0 unmonitored C 255 secs
Avatar da5b066c PHC Piedmont C 255 secs
Avatar 219f7751 PM1 Pocket Mesh 1.0 C 1605 secs
Avatar a2ed9aac RADX Radiks C 1168 secs
Avatar 56fe7cef RAK2 Z RAK 2 C 3799 secs
Avatar 7d89f180 RPRP RedPatriotRepeater C 7299 secs
Avatar da6223e4 RQMH RQM Heltec CM 1461 secs
Avatar 6f96acc1 RVHM N1RVN HOME C 6834 secs
Avatar 6994c207 RakG RakGreen C 692 secs
Avatar 8a22b76c S285 You can do it, we can helpπŸ“‘ C 129 secs
Avatar 180ecf4f SC2 SC2 C 129 secs
Avatar 1b0e9a36 SC3 SC3 C 6568 secs
Avatar c59d53f5 TFVR TCΒ² FV-RouterπŸ“‘ RC 246 secs
Avatar 27cb1780 TJC1 TJC1 C 6438 secs
Avatar 433f1f18 TRLY K4KPW Relay C 2820 secs
Avatar da63e2b8 UNK Unknown 3388 secs
Avatar a20a1074 USAr W4USA ROUTER C 255 secs
Avatar e8946e58 W-TE Wolfnet - T-Echo C 2266 secs
Avatar aa28fe56 W4RC Athens W4RCX Meshtastic Repeater 01 RC 398 secs
Avatar 4358eb4c W4S- W4USA-Base CM 255 secs
Avatar da577280 WEHO 🏒 T-Beam (no client) C 129 secs
Avatar a8e2a228 WMOB WMO Base C 255 secs
Avatar f2467a4c WMOR WMO Relay A 1016 secs
Avatar 2795832e WN-A Wolfnet - Alpha C 2820 secs
Avatar 6eb7d36a WPOC πŸ“±KO4WIL_Pocket CM 1016 secs
Avatar da65a21c WPOR πŸ“±KO4WIL_Portable CM 255 secs
Avatar 91524892 Wslr Whistler C 2669 secs
Avatar 4ae04f81 YNNV ynniv C 3658 secs
Avatar 050c2370 Yllw Yellow C 2669 secs
Avatar d821b35e b35e Meshtastic b35e C 6031 secs
Avatar 8cacc6fe c6fe Meshtastic c6fe C 3798 secs
Avatar c142cf05 cf05 Dallas Router cf05 R 528 secs
Avatar 32fdb32e cyhm canyouhearmenow C 5743 secs
Avatar 02d7feec feec Meshtastic feec CM 2401 secs
Avatar 262f810e jim1 jim1 C 518 secs
Avatar 33602af4 sole solea A 3798 secs
Avatar da628b40 tt temp tfbl C 528 secs
Avatar a20a18cc vid2 vid 🏑 G2 C 692 secs
Avatar 99bb8054 πŸƒ tofusquare πŸƒ C 6568 secs
Avatar 8bdaedbe 🌲 Treetopper 2.0 C 129 secs
Avatar eba0ccf6 πŸ‘½ brimstone roof C 6166 secs
Avatar eb5d5901 πŸ”˜ Pi Radio CM 129 secs
Avatar 33692640 πŸ—» CM 692 secs
Avatar eb4f5a13 🚧 Monitoring Radio CM 528 secs
Avatar a20a1a9c πŸ›œ Lenox Basestation C 129 secs

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