

There are 108 active out of a total of 1281 seen nodes that have been heard by the mesh by a20a18cc (a20a18cc).

ID Name Role Seen
Short Long Since
Avatar 4357f068 Bw Bw base Hiawassee f068 C 3266 secs
Avatar 3210037e 037e Meshtastic 037e C 1926 secs
Avatar 5ba30412 0412 Meshtastic 0412 C 5425 secs
Avatar 4356058c 058c Meshtastic 058c C 502 secs
Avatar 907b0ada 0ada Meshtastic 0ada C 1121 secs
Avatar 1b5a0c50 0c50 Meshtastic 0c50 C 1926 secs
Avatar 80f244fe 44fe Meshtastic 44fe C 524 secs
Avatar 801ecd91 57th Ashford οΈπŸ“‘ C 2714 secs
Avatar da5768bc 68bc Meshtastic 68bc R 3266 secs
Avatar da546d0c 6d0c Meshtastic 6d0c CM 135 secs
Avatar 7c5b31d4 Arkm Arkham C 779 secs
Avatar 572a8a8e BLFR Bluff-RouterπŸ“‘ RC 1121 secs
Avatar 336440f8 Cpms Copper mines C 2322 secs
Avatar 0c39dad0 D1 Deck-1 C 4318 secs
Avatar 43572b00 DAC Murrayville C 3916 secs
Avatar 6c730120 DF 1Dumpster Fire C 2322 secs
Avatar 4335ab3c DRM! Space Mobile C 1121 secs
Avatar 336a1920 EcHo ElectricEchoHeltec C 1507 secs
Avatar 1fa06438 Echo ElectricEcho C 1121 secs
Avatar 44aca7c7 FMR Fort Mountain Router R 775 secs
Avatar da659864 FN Floodtown Node C 779 secs
Avatar e1c8a63e FTMT Flat Top Mtn TN R 4448 secs
Avatar 24cc15a6 FWR Falling Water Router RC 2847 secs
Avatar 4357f6cc Flv2 Flavio-Router2 (BBS) C 1801 secs
Avatar 4357f988 Flvr Flavio-Router (S&F) C 2189 secs
Avatar 80465c23 GMRP GrassyMountainRouter R 5425 secs
Avatar 1fa064cc GSO7 AK4ZX AREDN Data Center C 4045 secs
Avatar b983a935 Gv04 Gainesville Green St C 2322 secs
Avatar 4dc56d2a GvAp Gainesville Airport C 771 secs
Avatar 9a4c0f59 GvDt Gainesville Downtown C 2322 secs
Avatar 23d57bc5 GvHR Gainesville Highland Rd C 779 secs
Avatar 0d3ebc15 GvSP Gainesville Skylark Place C 653 secs
Avatar 434ba4d4 HRMR TCΒ² HRM-RouterπŸ“‘ RC 1121 secs
Avatar 7579c03a Hill Sweetwater R 1926 secs
Avatar 4355f2ec IBS 🏑III_Base🏑 C 3266 secs
Avatar 9d783863 I_LT πŸ”‹III_LTO_NodeπŸ”‹ C 2847 secs
Avatar 4c7f9d79 I_Sl πŸ’‘III_Solar_Light_NodeπŸ’‘ CM 779 secs
Avatar 0c3c99ca JB Meshtastic 99ca C 1801 secs
Avatar 43587c00 JGM1 JGM1 Meshtastic 7c00 C 3916 secs
Avatar 1c50617c JSB0 Skrux Labs Repeater 0 RC 6597 secs
Avatar 75e069d4 JSD JSD C 2847 secs
Avatar 51fee5e6 Kat Kats Radio CM 2714 secs
Avatar 7c5cb428 LC2 LJ CLIENT 2 CM 6993 secs
Avatar e0f7565c LP 1Lasalle Park C 2847 secs
Avatar 9d2f6e34 Leon Leon RAK router RC 1121 secs
Avatar f9eee964 MKV1 MKV1-Solar C 3266 secs
Avatar ed0ebf68 Mesh Meshtastic 1 C 6597 secs
Avatar 0f83607b MtCh G Chenocetah Mountain C 4318 secs
Avatar 240b9d17 MtHk G Hawk Mountain C 779 secs
Avatar f8ef4aab MtSN G Stone MountainN C 779 secs
Avatar 4ddf2d95 MtSS G Stone MountainS C 2189 secs
Avatar 4535f7df MtTr G Tray Mountain R 1919 secs
Avatar 7c5ab1a8 N4ij N4IJL C 5026 secs
Avatar a2e4ff54 NAP0 W4NAP-S0 unmonitored C 6993 secs
Avatar da656570 NR01 NR01 RC 4164 secs
Avatar da5b066c PHC Piedmont C 779 secs
Avatar 219f7751 PM1 Pocket Mesh 1.0 C 1801 secs
Avatar a2ed9aac RADX Radiks C 1121 secs
Avatar 56fe7cef RAK2 Z RAK 2 C 114 secs
Avatar 7d89f180 RPRP RedPatriotRepeater C 779 secs
Avatar 1f9ff7f8 RQMA RQM T-Beam A CM 1926 secs
Avatar da6223e4 RQMH RQM Heltec CM 2322 secs
Avatar 6994c207 RakG RakGreen C 1926 secs
Avatar 8a22b76c S285 You can do it, we can helpπŸ“‘ C 1121 secs
Avatar 180ecf4f SC2 SC2 C 2322 secs
Avatar 1b0e9a36 SC3 SC3 C 2189 secs
Avatar 5e732e28 SM1 SM1 C 1121 secs
Avatar ccca14f7 SR93 Springplace Router C 6597 secs
Avatar 55c7e62c SUN HAYESVILLE ROUTER R 4043 secs
Avatar 0a1a1690 SWs1 Schlabach West side 1639 R 1121 secs
Avatar 335d7b34 Schl Schlabach_Truck_New CM 653 secs
Avatar da5af7f4 Smyr Smyrna C 6072 secs
Avatar c59d53f5 TFVR TCΒ² FV-RouterπŸ“‘ RC 1801 secs
Avatar 433f1f18 TRLY K4KPW Relay C 2847 secs
Avatar 051c179d UNK Unknown 4045 secs
Avatar 401ef565 UNK Unknown 4448 secs
Avatar 24d2c492 UNK Unknown 1121 secs
Avatar 33676d70 UNK Unknown 2714 secs
Avatar a20a1074 USAr W4USA ROUTER C 653 secs
Avatar e0f75b9c W-TB Wolfnet - T-Beam C 3266 secs
Avatar aa28fe56 W4RC Athens W4RCX Meshtastic Repeater 01 RC 1121 secs
Avatar 4358eb4c W4S- W4USA-Base CM 653 secs
Avatar da577280 WEHO 🏒 T-Beam (no client) C 2847 secs
Avatar a8e2a228 WMOB WMO Base C 779 secs
Avatar f2467a4c WMOR WMO Relay A 1121 secs
Avatar 80d84268 WN-S Wolfnet - Solar Hilltop C 3266 secs
Avatar 6eb7d36a WPOC πŸ“±KO4WIL_Pocket CM 5026 secs
Avatar da65a21c WPOR πŸ“±KO4WIL_Portable CM 5302 secs
Avatar 7ab8550c WW8C WW8C-T C 3266 secs
Avatar 91524892 Wslr Whistler C 1121 secs
Avatar 050c2370 Yllw Yellow C 6207 secs
Avatar 3959ab28 ab28 Meshtastic ab28 R 2847 secs
Avatar d821b35e b35e Meshtastic b35e C 2833 secs
Avatar 8cacc6fe c6fe Meshtastic c6fe C 2322 secs
Avatar c142cf05 cf05 Dallas Router cf05 R 1801 secs
Avatar 32fdb32e cyhm canyouhearmenow C 5425 secs
Avatar 02d7feec feec Meshtastic feec CM 4045 secs
Avatar e2e18a1c ftrg fatrgr C 3111 secs
Avatar 262f810e jim1 jim1 C 1121 secs
Avatar da628b40 tt temp tfbl C 1121 secs
Avatar a20a18cc vid2 vid 🏑 G2 C 653 secs
Avatar 3a5e736d vide vid πŸ“Ÿ Portable CM 779 secs
Avatar 8bdaedbe 🌲 Treetopper 2.0 C 779 secs
Avatar eb5d5901 πŸ”˜ Pi Radio CM 779 secs
Avatar 33692640 πŸ—» CM 2189 secs
Avatar eb4f5a13 🚧 Monitoring Radio CM 653 secs
Avatar a20a11f8 πŸ›œ Spring City Basestation C 2322 secs
Avatar a20a1a9c πŸ›œ Lenox Basestation C 383 secs

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