

There are 112 active out of a total of 1293 seen nodes that have been heard by the mesh by a20a18cc (a20a18cc).

ID Name Role Seen
Short Long Since
Avatar 3210037e 037e Meshtastic 037e C 808 secs
Avatar 4356058c 058c Meshtastic 058c C 2037 secs
Avatar 907b0ada 0ada Meshtastic 0ada C 4442 secs
Avatar 1b5a0c50 0c50 Meshtastic 0c50 C 1222 secs
Avatar f15130dc 30dc Meshtastic 30dc C 3431 secs
Avatar db963de5 3de5 Meshtastic 3de5 C 1222 secs
Avatar b7044068 4068 Meshtastic 4068 C 1090 secs
Avatar 80f244fe 44fe Meshtastic 44fe C 375 secs
Avatar 801ecd91 57th Ashford οΈπŸ“‘ C 2159 secs
Avatar da5768bc 68bc Meshtastic 68bc R 1896 secs
Avatar da546d0c 6d0c Meshtastic 6d0c CM 123 secs
Avatar f2467a4c 7a4c Meshtastic 7a4c A 123 secs
Avatar 43587c00 7c00 JGM1 7c00 C 2037 secs
Avatar fb3d9f20 AOV2 Athens Oconee Virgil Langford 2 C 808 secs
Avatar 7c5b31d4 Arkm Arkham C 251 secs
Avatar 53faa9aa BLB2 BLB-2_Barry C 6697 secs
Avatar 572a8a8e BLFR Bluff-RouterπŸ“‘ RC 1090 secs
Avatar 3bb22f8d Bshr Basher52 C 1896 secs
Avatar 433a6ab0 C6ab Cogitator 6ab0 CM 3980 secs
Avatar 336440f8 Cpms Copper mines C 2890 secs
Avatar 43572b00 DAC Murrayville C 3833 secs
Avatar 6c730120 DF 1Dumpster Fire C 4166 secs
Avatar 4335ab3c DRM! Space Mobile C 3023 secs
Avatar 336a1920 EcHo ElectricEchoHeltec C 243 secs
Avatar 1fa06438 Echo ElectricEcho C 1222 secs
Avatar da659864 FN Floodtown Node C 2036 secs
Avatar 24cc15a6 FWR Falling Water Router RC 1090 secs
Avatar 4357f6cc Flv2 Flavio-Router2 (BBS) C 123 secs
Avatar 4357f988 Flvr Flavio-Router (S&F) C 123 secs
Avatar b983a935 Gv04 Gainesville Green St C 4166 secs
Avatar 4dc56d2a GvAp Gainesville Airport C 122 secs
Avatar 23d57bc5 GvHR Gainesville Highland Rd C 1222 secs
Avatar ac602c12 HAK5 HACKER5000 CM 1896 secs
Avatar 434ba4d4 HRMR TCΒ² HRM-RouterπŸ“‘ RC 123 secs
Avatar beee7f85 HSTD Homestead C 808 secs
Avatar 7579c03a Hill Sweetwater R 1222 secs
Avatar 2622b8f9 I_LT III_LTO_2 C 5538 secs
Avatar 0c3c99ca JB Meshtastic 99ca C 1621 secs
Avatar 336367bc JJU3 JJU-3 67bc CM 123 secs
Avatar 1c50617c JSB0 Skrux Labs Repeater 0 RC 3431 secs
Avatar 75e069d4 JSD JSD C 4166 secs
Avatar e0f75b14 Jp1 KR4RJ C 2018 secs
Avatar e0f759b0 Jp2 KR4RJ C 2037 secs
Avatar 34e23dee KKJK DulCC1017 C 1222 secs
Avatar a3fb61ec LD Lucus Mesh 61EC C 118 secs
Avatar e0f7565c LP 1Lasalle Park C 808 secs
Avatar da5cbcf4 LPK Les LPK C 122 secs
Avatar a20a0dc8 MAFO Mesh Around & Find Out C 5122 secs
Avatar 1c4ef358 MDP2 MDP Relay 2 C 2464 secs
Avatar f9eee964 MKV1 MKV1-Solar C 2890 secs
Avatar 5dbe26e8 MM MKV Mobile C 677 secs
Avatar ed0ebf68 Mesh Meshtastic 1 C 251 secs
Avatar 0f83607b MtCh G Chenocetah Mountain C 651 secs
Avatar 240b9d17 MtHk G Hawk Mountain C 251 secs
Avatar f8ef4aab MtSN G Stone MountainN C 251 secs
Avatar 4ddf2d95 MtSS G Stone MountainS C 123 secs
Avatar 7c5ab1a8 N4ij N4IJL C 1222 secs
Avatar a2e4ff54 NAP0 W4NAP-S0 unmonitored C 2037 secs
Avatar 433b03cc NAP2 W4NAP-H1 C 4022 secs
Avatar 49d10521 NEKR N_E_Knx _Router RC 6118 secs
Avatar 27ca49e0 NsGy NoiseGuy C 2890 secs
Avatar da5b066c PHC Piedmont C 2464 secs
Avatar 219f7751 PM1 Pocket Mesh 1.0 C 808 secs
Avatar 435ba5e4 QOTS KF4AQO T SUPER C 1222 secs
Avatar a2ed9aac RADX Radiks C 2464 secs
Avatar 7d89f180 RPRP RedPatriotRepeater C 675 secs
Avatar 1c497030 RQMB RQM T-Beam B C 122 secs
Avatar da6223e4 RQMH RQM Heltec CM 122 secs
Avatar 6994c207 RakG RakGreen C 5538 secs
Avatar 8a22b76c S285 You can do it, we can helpπŸ“‘ C 123 secs
Avatar 180ecf4f SC2 SC2 C 123 secs
Avatar 1b0e9a36 SC3 SC3 C 251 secs
Avatar 55804a48 STEC Starr T-Echo CM 123 secs
Avatar 0a1a1690 SWs1 Schlabach West side 1639 R 3023 secs
Avatar 335d7b34 Schl Schlabach_Truck_New CM 251 secs
Avatar c59d53f5 TFVR TCΒ² FV-RouterπŸ“‘ RC 123 secs
Avatar 433f1f18 TRLY K4KPW Relay C 2464 secs
Avatar b101fbac T_1 Thomas_Mobile_Solar_1 C 1896 secs
Avatar 051c179d UNK Unknown 5538 secs
Avatar 401ef565 UNK Unknown 4442 secs
Avatar 99bb0408 UNK Unknown 808 secs
Avatar 2f7f07e4 UNK Unknown 4442 secs
Avatar a20a1074 USAr W4USA ROUTER C 251 secs
Avatar b455b831 VOX4 K1VOX-Wallet CM 3577 secs
Avatar aa28fe56 W4RC Athens W4RCX Meshtastic Repeater 01 RC 251 secs
Avatar 4358eb4c W4S- W4USA-Base CM 251 secs
Avatar a20a0e98 WC4Y WC4Y-5 C 123 secs
Avatar da577280 WEHO 🏒 T-Beam (no client) C 808 secs
Avatar a8e2a228 WMOB WMO Base C 1345 secs
Avatar 80d84268 WN-S Wolfnet - Solar Hilltop C 1222 secs
Avatar 6eb7d36a WPOC πŸ“±KO4WIL_Pocket CM 123 secs
Avatar da65a21c WPOR πŸ“±KO4WIL_Portable CM 123 secs
Avatar 050c22ec Whit White C 1767 secs
Avatar 91524892 Wslr Whistler C 808 secs
Avatar 4ae04f81 YNNV ynniv C 3023 secs
Avatar 050c2370 Yllw Yellow C 2464 secs
Avatar 44aca7c7 a7c7 Meshtastic a7c7 R 1222 secs
Avatar 3959ab28 ab28 Meshtastic ab28 R 808 secs
Avatar d821b35e b35e Meshtastic b35e C 1090 secs
Avatar 8cacc6fe c6fe Meshtastic c6fe C 251 secs
Avatar c142cf05 cf05 Dallas Router cf05 R 251 secs
Avatar 32fdb32e cyhm canyouhearmenow C 2328 secs
Avatar 02d7feec feec Meshtastic feec CM 2890 secs
Avatar 262f810e jim1 jim1 C 1222 secs
Avatar da628b40 tt temp tfbl C 677 secs
Avatar a20a18cc vid2 vid 🏑 G2 C 123 secs
Avatar 8bdaedbe 🌲 Treetopper 2.0 C 251 secs
Avatar b71989b5 πŸ“Ÿ Fairview Base R 1222 secs
Avatar eb5d5901 πŸ”˜ Pi Radio CM 677 secs
Avatar 33692640 πŸ—» CM 808 secs
Avatar eb4f5a13 🚧 Monitoring Radio CM 1896 secs
Avatar a20a1a9c πŸ›œ Lenox Basestation C 251 secs

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